Peter Rosén
In Sarek are our most dramatic; old-growth forests, valleys covered with birch forest, delta land, mountain moors and high mountain massifs with glaciers and 2000-meter peaks. Deep valleys with mountain rivers cut through the fields. They are softly U-shaped, carved out of the sliding ice masses of the ice ages
In the valleys, there is the floral splendor of many different types of flowers. These are areas where moose and reindeer thrive. Above rises barren, icy peaks with ice, snow, sparrows and creaking mountain grouse.
The reindeer migrations have scratched winding paths in the valley bottoms for thousands of years.
The Sami have lived in this area for millennia. For reindeer herding, Sarek is an important core area with the sanctuary, migration routes, calving land, pastures and reindeer enclosures. The ancient remains are many – including hunting pits, huts and old fireplaces.
Sarek became part of the Laponia World Heritage Site when it was formed in 1996.
In the national parks within Laponia, it is forbidden to bring a dog, with the exception of Kungsleden, Rallarstigen in Muddus / Muttos, and the area between the power line and Stuor Julevu / Stora Lulevatten’s lake system in Stora Sjöfallet / Stuor Muorkke National Park.
January 1 – April 30, its allowed to bring a dog on a leash.
Without permission from the County Administrative Board, it is absolutely forbidden to fly drones within the entire Laponia World Heritage Site.
It is only allowed to light campfires in exhibited fireplaces within the world heritage Laponia.
All rules and regulations can be found here.
Area: 1 986 km²
Founded in: 1909
Nearest towns: Huhttán/Kvikkjokk, Jåhkåmåhkke/Jokkmokk och Jiellevárre/Gällivare
Sami villages: Tuorpon, Jåhkågaska tjiellde och Sirges
County: Norrbotten